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久舍营造工作室 | 重见山水,临安鱼乐山房民宿改造设计0

2019-12-23 20:02:03

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Yuleshan house is an old-fashioned farmhouse run by a farmer and his wife in Taihuyuan, Lin'an, Hangzhou. Over the past ten years, it has accumulated excellent reputation. However, it is more and more difficult to maintain the unit price of 200 yuan package of food and accommodation. The huge gap in reception volume and the low quality of tourists in the light and peak seasons also make the couple tired of coping with it. So the two decided to transform the physical space of the mountain house in order to improve the profitability, create a better holiday living experience for the guests, and make the mountain house complete the transformation from a farmhouse to a "high-end" house.

Jiushe construction studio accepted the invitation of the owner and presided over the architectural and interior space renovation design of Shanfang.


▲ 项目场地紧邻的山林与奔腾的溪水©久舍营造工作室

▲ 场地建筑原状鸟瞰,可看到溪水、省道、邻居住宅和场地内外的高差关系©久舍营造工作室

▲ 改造前建筑正(北)立面©久舍营造工作室

▲ 场地中建筑、台地、省道、溪水的关系©久舍营造工作室


The stream flows from north to South on the east side of the site, which is about 3 meters lower than the provincial road. As one of the main sources of Taihu Lake, the stream can be heard in the original building when it rains. The provincial road is sandwiched between the site and the stream landscape, with busy traffic and certain noise.

▲ 原场地边的山景©久舍营造工作室



For this site, such a large building volume is distributed in such a loose state, which makes the external site present a fragmented state, and mixed with provincial roads, neighboring vegetable fields and wild forests at the foot of the mountain, which is not conducive to the formation of an independent and effective place atmosphere. Therefore, the first step of the transformation is to redefine the site.

▲ 场地的重塑©久舍营造工作室

▲ 改造后总平面图©久舍营造工作室



The entrance moving line of the original site is very direct. It rushes directly to the inner courtyard of the platform from the provincial road, and crosses the small courtyard from the main building landscape surface. The main view surface of the lobby is pierced by the guests coming in and out constantly. There is also a lack of buffer in the process of entering the interior from the noisy provincial road outside, which makes it difficult to enter the peaceful state of mountain dwelling rapidly.

▲ 改造前后的入口动线对比©久舍营造工作室

▲ 改造后入口动线与视线©久舍营造工作室

▲ 入口立面©赵奕龙


Entering the corridor from the entrance, the direction of the ladder lifting and the inclination of the upper roof further strengthen the elevation of the terrain and the height of the mountain scenery. The noisy atmosphere of the original provincial road has been greatly relieved after being blocked by the shadow wall, the base of the wood frame and the stone wall in the middle of the two steps.

▲ 入口阶梯,石墙后高处为内院溢入的天光 ©范久江

▲ 阶梯右侧窗下墙及倾斜屋面下溢入的山色天光,左侧投下经木格栅过滤的内院光线©赵奕龙 

▲ 入口折跑台阶溢入的山景©赵奕龙


In the design, the main entrance of the main building on the fourth floor is transferred from the North facade to the gable on the east side of the building, which is a triangle area enclosed by wooden Gallery, two-story independent auxiliary building and the main building. From the ladder up to the gable, the moving line appeared a non orthogonal turning point. In this action, firstly, the skew angle between the scarp and the main building gable is integrated with the continuous boundary of the moving line; secondly, the original thin external space on the platform is also passively divided into the entrance triangle yard and the inner court water yard, both of which have different atmosphere and scale; thirdly, on a short side interface where the triangle yard overlaps with the inner court, we set a corner to view According to the horizontal window opening of the internal water yard, the quiet picture that the internal water yard can not reach temporarily is fixed.

▲ 从阶梯转向主体建筑山墙的非正交转折©赵奕龙

▲ 入口阶梯到顶后回看,溪对岸的山景从打开的窗扇中铺面而来©赵奕龙

▲ 从廊道转折处一窥内院  ©范久江

▲ 从三角过院中看入口路径转折(左侧廊道后白墙为主体建筑山墙)©赵奕龙

▲ 主体建筑内回看入口廊道(圆窗中可见二层辅楼局部立面)©赵奕龙

▲ 大厅北侧主景观面©赵奕龙


▲ 整体动线/静院与动院©久舍营造工作室


1. 静院

▲ 主体建筑西侧的敞廊,带长凳的毛石墙隔开静院和动院©赵奕龙

▲ 静院中的一亩方塘倒映出山林及天空©赵奕龙

▲ 水面延伸到主体建筑檐廊之下,右侧为茶亭廊道©赵奕龙

▲ 东面茶亭后方的山景倒映在静院水面©赵奕龙

▲ 由西侧敞廊看静院,主体建筑只能看见底层局部©赵奕龙

▲ 东西向场地剖面与视线控制©久舍营造工作室


Only when you go out from the eaves gallery and enter the water terrace in front of the opposite wall and outside the tea pavilion, the main building can be completely presented. This kind of sight control makes the four story building volume obtain sufficient viewing distance, and further back after being reflected by the water surface. After the sloping roof is changed to flat roof, the upper contour of the main building is also pressed within the contour of the mountain forest on the south side. The volume of the first floor Dun solid wood column eave Gallery slope roof and the two-dimensional slab method of the newly added 3-4 floor cantilevered balcony volume contrast each other, and the volume of the main building is fully digested, which is more light. The absolute dominant position of mountain in the whole picture is strengthened again.

▲ 从大厅对岸露台回看主体建筑©赵奕龙

▲ 南北向场地剖面与视线控制©久舍营造工作室

2. 动院


▲ 山野区域底部,竹林中的烧烤区©赵奕龙

▲ 动院高处的三层台地与远山©赵奕龙

▲ 台地高处看静院敞廊与茶亭©赵奕龙


▲ 太湖源溪水方向视角©赵奕龙

1. 茶亭的界面


▲ 省道边茶亭构造分解图©久舍营造工作室


The external interface of the tea pavilion is located at a high place beside the provincial road, which is not only the most important street side of the mountain house, but also the viewing surface inside the tea pavilion to enjoy the mountain scenery on the side of the stream. Therefore, we have designed a continuous casement that can be fully opened by combining angle steel and square timber. The lower part of the window sash has a 1-meter-high window lower wall, which forms a part of the base decorated with round bamboo from the outside, improves the height feeling of the base part, and widens the distance between the outside and the inside of the tea pavilion from the visual point of view; while the mountain from the inside effectively covers the provincial road and the traffic flow, only injecting the mountain forest into the interior along the inclined direction of the roof.

▲ 单坡水榭(木构廊架)两侧界面©赵奕龙

▲ 水榭朝外一侧为连续可开启窗扇©赵奕龙

▲ 水榭朝内一侧的细密木格栅界面©赵奕龙

2. 阳台的界面


▲ 3-4层阳台构成的完整板片化体块©赵奕龙

▲ 阳台内部看山林溪水,右侧为完全打开的客房立面©赵奕龙

▲ 阳台结构与界面分解图©久舍营造工作室

▲ 普通客房山景,可见右侧洗手间泡池也贴着阳台山景面©赵奕龙

3. 溪房的界面

▲ 原建筑雕花木门窗扇测绘统计©久舍营造工作室

▲ 木门窗扇单元拼贴©久舍营造工作室

▲ 溪水对面看溪房©赵奕龙

▲ 溪房阳台内景,下部可见溪水©赵奕龙

▲ 从内院长亭外水中露台回看溪房©赵奕龙


▲ 对原框架结构的操作©久舍营造工作室

原建筑为混凝土框架结构,每层的五个相同客房将原本由东至西1:2:2的三个柱跨等分为五份。鉴于扩大客房面积和当地对民宿客房数量小于15间的要求。我们结合内院对主体建筑主轴线的影响,将房间开间重新分配,由东至西将总面宽重分为1.5:1.5:2的三个开间(图 48),并从原结构框架向外挑出一个钢结构区域,为每间客房都增加了一个可以和外部景观相互渗透的阳台。

The original building is a concrete frame structure, and five identical guest rooms on each floor will be divided into five parts of the original three column spans from east to west by 1:2:2. In view of the expansion of the room area and local requirements for the number of guest rooms less than 15. Combined with the influence of the inner courtyard on the main axis of the main building, we redistributed the rooms. From east to west, we divided the total width and weight of the rooms into three rooms (Figure 48) of 1.5:1.5:2, and picked out a steel structure area from the original structural framework, adding a balcony for each room that can penetrate into the external landscape.

▲ 改造前后客房层平面比较及柱网©久舍营造工作室

▲ 阶梯空间,正对玻璃窗内为早餐厅©赵奕龙

▲ 两层通高大台阶的公共性©赵奕龙

▲  M.C.埃舍尔(M. C. Escher)《相对性》Relativity,1953

餐厅部分的客房隔墙全部拆除,形成了朝向后山的多跨连续空间,结合外部厨房的屋顶露台,我们为原山房的特色餐饮提供了同样具有山林景观的独立空间(图 52)。

The partition walls of some guest rooms in the dining room have been completely removed, forming a multi span continuous space towards the back mountain. Combined with the roof terrace of the external kitchen, we have provided an independent space with the same mountain forest landscape for the characteristic catering of the original mountain house (Figure 52).

▲ 餐厅及外部山景露台©赵奕龙

▲ 改造后二层平面图©久舍营造工作室

▲ 改造后四层及loft阁楼层平面©久舍营造工作室

▲ 顶层超大套间©赵宏飞

▲ loft房内部©赵宏飞



So far, through the definition of the site, the turning point of the moving line, the penetration of the interface, the transformation of the structure and the adjustment of the internal plane. The original "blind" landscape is seen from the outside and the inside at the same time. The building and the site itself are also integrated into the environment and the past, and become a part of symbiosis with the landscape. Landscape is not only "seen" again, but also "rebuilt" in a sense.







项目设计 & 完成年份:2016-2018    














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