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Acid bright hues of jenna Lyon...0

2020-03-11 13:02:14

Acid bright hues of jenna Lyons's love is her one of the reasons for the interior design, especially her former BaiPo townhouse is one of the favorite and repined image on Pinterest. Lyon's style has been copied to its smallest detail. This is part of her innate skill, in mixing unexpected elements, to achieve a look, if not very fancy.Her new 325-square-meter apartment, like berpo, is her personal aesthetic. The hotel is located in a 19th century cast-iron building in Soho and her home is a heavy accessorised, luxurious space of a series of Spaces that feel familiar and friendly.Turtle, leopard grain powder puff with something of the old world of Paris - antique mirror, cotton fabric printing plate down the elevator apartment to Lyon, we are a pink sofa and sitting room area, combined with modern eclectic greeted us. This is the woman is not happy sweet, busy without compulsion. A perfect balance.

Acid bright hues of jenna Lyons's love is her one of the reasons for the interior design, especially her former BaiPo townhouse is one of the favorite and repined image on Pinterest. Lyon's style has been copied to its smallest detail. This is part of her innate skill, in mixing unexpected elements, to achieve a look, if not very fancy.

Her new 325-square-meter apartment, like berpo, is her personal aesthetic. The hotel is located in a 19th century cast-iron building in Soho and her home is a heavy accessorised, luxurious space of a series of Spaces that feel familiar and friendly.

Turtle, leopard grain powder puff with something of the old world of Paris - antique mirror, cotton fabric printing plate down the elevator apartment to Lyon, we are a pink sofa and sitting room area, combined with modern eclectic greeted us. This is the woman is not happy sweet, busy without compulsion. A perfect balance.





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