我们往往会花很长的时间在挑选地板上,但却忽落了地板的养护。随着时间的流逝,地板容易出现收缩,裂缝等质量问题。We always spend a lot of time when buying flooring, but the maintenance for flooring tends to be
We always spend a lot of time when buying flooring, but the maintenance for flooring tends to be neglected, with time flooring will lose in quality with shrinkage, cracks…
Now, the hottest summer is coming: excessive sunlight, temperature and moisture are only a few of the factors that might damage your flooring, so more attention should be paid to the maintenance of the flooring. Here is our flooring specialist’s advice:
Keep regular ventilation in summer, especially for the rooms no one lives in.
2、避免阳光直射Avoid direct sunlight
A big killer for flooring is the sunshine in summer. The continuous high temperature will easily cause the flooring to shrinkage or to crack.
You can install thicker and opaque curtains to avoid the solarization of the flooring.
3、控制室内温度Control indoor temperature
The windows should be often opened for ventilation or indoor temperatures can be reduced through air conditioning. However, try not to let it blow directly to the flooring to prevent too much drying of the floor.
4、调节室内湿度Humidify indoor air moderately
The air might become very dry as it is always sunny, so you should use a humidifier to humidify indoor air, preventing flooring from cracking.
On the other hand, during summer some areas suffer from rainy seasons, humidity where excessive moisture will encourage the growth of bacteria.
2015年11月14日 星期六 十月 初三
【乙未年 丁亥月 甲午日 】
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