1. 潮湿天气切记不要开窗,及时除湿。 Close windows when the weather is wet or use dehumidifier.桑拿天气,闷热潮湿,地板容易起拱,这时应打开空调的除湿功能,使户内的潮湿度降下来,室内湿度应保持在40-65%。避免起拱现象的发生。
1. 潮湿天气切记不要开窗,及时除湿。
Close windows when the weather is wet or use dehumidifier.
A de-humidifier will absorb the moisture in the air and help maintain a more agreeable indoor humidity level for your floors (40-65%). This will help minimize the risk of floor warping.
2. 及时清洁地板,除菌。
Always clean flooring as soon as posisble.
Clean flooring as soon as possible. Always keep your floors dry and clean. Don’t use wet mop or alkaline water or suds to clean floor.
Clean your floors regularly using a dry mop or a vaccum cleaner. Don’t use damp cloths to clean.
2015年11月14日 星期六 十月 初三
【乙未年 丁亥月 甲午日 】
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